• Türkçe
  • İngilizce

Di̇si̇nfecti̇on For Healthy Food

Food Sector

While microorganism contamination in food production threatens public health, it also causes serious material and moral damages to businesses. Losses due to microorganisms can be prevented with routine applications in the enterprise.


Personnel Hygiene;

Outfits and personnel clothes should not come into contact with the changing rooms.
For hand disinfection, 65% alcohol or 1/200 BIOCON A solution should be used in hand dispensers (wall soap dispensers).
In the transition from the dressing room and offices to the workshop and every toilet door, a hygienic mat should be placed, the pool should be constantly filled with clean 1/300 BIOES S 1/200 BIOCON A or 1/100 BIOXIDE, and a drying mat should be placed after the mop to prevent the wetness from entering the workshop.
Hand dispenser should be placed for hand disinfection at each pass, and it should be rinsed after hand rubbing with 1/200 BIOCON A solution before hand washing in the toilet.
It is important to use gloves and masks at critical points, and the use of bones in the entire production area.

Surface Disinfection;

The floor is swept with a vacuum cleaner every day and the rough dirt on the floor is removed. DO NOT WASH. The floor is mopped with 1/500 BODES S and sprayed on m² with a 300 ml solution calculation. It is left to dry on its own.
Machine and bands are disinfected with back pulverizer with 1/100 BIOXIDE or 1/200 BIOCON A.
The benches are disinfected with 100 ml 1/100 BİOCON A per m² using hand sprays. Wait 30 seconds and dry with disposable cloths.
RH values ​​should be kept at 20 - 30 by putting moisture recorders in 10 different places of the factory. As the humidity increases, the mold factors increase.

Critical Control Points;

Until the products coming out of the oven reach the packaging point, they are transmitted by staff, equipment and mold spores suspended in the air and shorten the shelf life of the product.
The factory's ventilation system contains a large volume of hard to reach and clean and possibly dust and biofilm, which is the accumulation of years. For many businesses, this area is the main source of mold contamination. Absolutely weekly disinfection should be done by fumigation or fogging method.


It provides effective and economical volume disinfection in all volumes such as packaging storage, production area, personnel rooms, cold storage, truck boxes.
1 Kg BİOCON A is sufficient for 3000 m3 volume.
1Kg BİOCON A is completed in 25 Lt water and fogging is done with ULV device. During the application, there should be no people and animals in the environment, preferably it should be applied at the end of the working hours or in the empty volumes. Half an hour of disinfection is sufficient for full control over microorganisms, a large volume of 4 hours can be expected, no ventilation is required.



BİODES-S (1/500)

BIOCON-A (1/200)

BİOXİDE (1/100)


2 ml

10 g

5 g

1 spoon

10 ml

2 spoon


10 ml

50 g

25 g

1 cover

50 ml

2 cover


20 ml

100 g

50 g

2 cover

100 ml

4 cover


50 ml

250 g

125 g

1 water glass

250 ml

1 water glass


100 ml

500 g

250 g

2 water glass

500 ml

2 water glass


200 ml

1 kg

500 g

4 water glass

1 lt

4 water glass


1 lt

5 kg

2,5 kg

2,5 şişe

5 lt

1 bidon


2 lt

10 kg

5 kg

5 şişe

10 lt

2 bidon